It is widely accepted that the solutions development for large-scale enterprises can best be implemented by system integration, that is, a combined application of various IT elements across system and technological boundaries.
In order to develop IT support for any kind of business solutions, our experts at Answare Ltd. are able to provide solutions for complex integration tasks comprising varied combinations of products and technologies.
As regard system integration we have experiences, expertise & references on the following fields:
- IT systems design and planning
- Planning and implementing of complete enterprise infrastructure or its sub-systems
- Delivery of hardware and software components
- Monitoring the installation and configuration of hardware and basic system
- Tuning of basic system, integration
- Management of basic system for technical acceptance
- Operation support, or operation if needed
- Data integration
- Unified management of access rights
Special references (see also at ,,References"):
- EKOP-1.2.26 „A járási hivatalok informatikai infrastruktúrájának fejlesztése”
- Fővárosi Csatornázási Művek Zrt. (Budapest Sewage Works Ltd.)
- GKM (Ministry of Economy and Transport)
- Kenézy Hospital RESZ Nonprofit Ltd.
- KIFÜ (Government IT Development Agency)
- K&H Bank Ltd.
- MFB Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Zrt. (Hungarian Development Bank Private Limited Company)
- MGSZH Mezőgazdasági Szakigazgatási Hivatal
- OFI (Educational Research and Development Institute)